June 1, 2016

KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School and KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School have been recognized as two of the highest-performing schools in Arkansas, according to the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas. The recognition is based on OEP-created school GPA, which is measured by the results of the 2014-15 PARCC assessments. The two KIPP schools in Blytheville earned six separate recognitions from the OEP:...

KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School and KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School have been recognized as two of the highest-performing schools in Arkansas, according to the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas.

The recognition is based on OEP-created school GPA, which is measured by the results of the 2014-15 PARCC assessments. The two KIPP schools in Blytheville earned six separate recognitions from the OEP:

-- KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School was named a High-Achieving School for its performance on the literacy exam.

-- KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School was named a High-Achieving School for its performance on the overall exam.

-- KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School earned a Beating the Odds award for its performance on the math exam.

-- KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School earned a Beating the Odds award for its performance on the literacy exam.

-- KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School earned a Beating the Odds award for its performance on the math exam.

-- KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School earned a Beating the Odds award for its performance on the literacy exam.

High-Achieving awards are given to schools with the highest GPA. Beating the Odds awards are given to high-achieving schools that serve low-income communities where at least 66 percent of students are enrolled in the free/reduced lunch program.

"These awards reflect the hard work and grit our students and staff show all year long," said Maisie Wright, school director. "At KIPP, we set the bar high, and are committed to doing whatever it takes to see our students achieve. These recognitions are a good indicator of the success that is possible with that kind of commitment."

KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School and KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School are tuition-free, open enrollment, public charter schools that accept all students on a space-available basis. KIPP's mission is to empower students from high-poverty communities to develop the knowledge, skills and character traits necessary to pursue a college education and a life of value, joy and integrity.

Beginning in 2016-17, KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School will serve students in grades 7-11 at its Bryles Campus on Byrum Road. KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School will serve students in grades 4-6 at the newly renovated Central School Campus on Moultrie Drive. In 2016-17, KIPP Blytheville will serve more than 400 students in grades 4-11. Enrollment is open now. For more information, visit

