Letter to the Editor

We have to start caring about this place where we live

Friday, December 12, 2014

To the editor:

If the citizens of Blytheville truly wish to save this town and bring it back to its former glory, there are several things that must be done. Code Enforcement must crack down and start writing tickets for the eyesore that is wide spread across the city. Old buildings and houses that are empty and falling apart need to be gone to make room for new houses. It should not matter whose property it is, it's time to clean this town up.

The extra revenue from the many tickets that will be written will help the city with funds for other things needed. The property owners should pay their own costs, not the city. Cars that have been sitting for years that don't run never will. The city should call Oscars after 30 days to come get them and haul them off. If the owner cant fix it or afford to have it repaired, then what use is it, honestly? If its over 10 years old it has no value anyway unless it is a collectable antique.

As a city we have become accustomed to a lax view on crime and the drug trade. It is time people to start turning these dealers and thieves in and doing something about this issue. If you see someone that is breaking the law, act!

Driving through this town puts a person in mind of a Warsaw ghetto with the trash blowing down the street and piles of rubble. Watching the trash pickup employees dump the cans on the street to leave glass and trash on the street where we drive and cut our tires. What kind of person thinks that is OK?

We have to start caring about the place we live. We need to get off our do-nothings and take action starting at home and in our own yards.

Tim Dixon