Letter to the Editor

"March for Life" organizers thankful for support

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To the editor:

The family of Eric "Peter" Taylor would like to thank everyone who came out and showed their support to the Annual March for Life. This event took place on June 1, 2013, at Wheeler's Day Care. Ms. Hattie Bradford started this event and sponsors the event on her own in memory of her son Eric "Peter" Taylor, who was killed in March 2000.

The event was founded to help others who have lost friends and family members to senseless and unsolved crime. The March for Life event gives hope and relives some of the helplessness families may feel in the same situation as Ms. Bradford. This event is showing growth among the community and Ms. Bradford hopes that it will one day help to solve the murder of her son and others as well.

Ms. Bradford wanted to thank all that helped and participated with this worthy event.

Patty Bell