Letter to the Editor

The real answer to gun violence problems

Thursday, January 17, 2013

To the editor:

One reads about gun control, about the guns killing so many people in the recent past and the plans to remedy this situation.

People much more learned than I seem to think the removal of the guns will remedy the problem, yet no one seems to think the problem may lie with man's evil deeds, never ever considering the true alternative and the true remedy. He knows.

Man chooses evil: Genesis 6:5. Beginning in the garden man did not do the bidding of God, period. See "It Wasn't Me," 6-12-12. Now, I realize some people will take issue with what is said. There are really bad, mean, fanatical people in this world which do not care for anything or anyone. Unfortunately, Americans, in particular, have the tendency to make excuses for all types of bad, evil, pernicious people. The fault is on the parents, society or we just did the bad guys really wrong. Excuses made by people, people who do not wish to take responsibility for the real cause, sin. Self, we did it and we do not wish to admit we are an illiterate bunch of nincompoops. He does know.

We, America, have removed God from our lives, laws, our nation, our children, schools, some of the churches and we are paying the price for non-belief. Oh, balderdash, you say. We have thrown Christianity, God under the bus and we backed across him just to see if we actually hit something. Unless we as a people and a nation awaken very, very soon, we can make all the laws we deem necessary to remedy this problem, or we can ask the maker of all for his guidance and help. It must begin with the people in leadership and in churches. There have been many tragedies in the United States and we have made excuses when all we need to do is turn to Jesus for help, to allow him to lead us into what is right, profoundly right. He is available for all.

The government is not qualified to eliminate the problem. New laws and guidelines will not eliminate the problem. Jesus can and will if we supplicate to Him, ask forgiveness and repent. This must start with the president of the United States, and unfortunately, it will never happen, seems to be a fact, in this sinful nation for we have to change so much. See 2 Chronicles 7:14-15. Christians be much in prayer for this nation we call home until the savior returns. If we don't, who will? Our leaders in Washington? Nah. Jesus Christ is coming soon, for a soul near you. Are you ready? 'Tis a sign of the times. He knows. He awaits us.

David Ira Gaines